Harness Your Motivation With Inspirations

Life Choices LLC

Open Your Heart to Love…

We all long to be loved and accepted. Opening our heart to LOVE is essential for healing all areas of our life. Love for our partners, our family, our friends and even for strangers. The greatest need of all human…

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Life Choices LLC


Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change The Courage to change the things I can And the Wisdom to know the difference Often when the serenity IS granted, you resist it, even though you have demonstrated courage and changed the things you can. Ponder the…

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Life Choices LLC

Isolation and Loneliness

Many people are experiencing the pain of isolation and loneliness. Even within a relationship, one may experience loneliness. Do you find yourself watching mindless television, binge-watching movies or serial television, scrolling through social media, playing computer games? Are you sleeping…

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Life Choices LLC

“Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life” ~Dr. Ernest Holmes

Long before Wayne Dyer was credited with coining the phrase change your thoughts, change your life, this concept was taught by Dr. Ernest Holmes and many others. It is the foundation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). What does it mean…

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Life Choices LLC

“Expressing Feelings and Sharing Feelings is the Foundation of True Intimacy.” ~ Pia Mellody

A healthy relationship is built on the foundation of true intimacy. True intimacy goes beyond lust and sex. True intimacy answers the question are you there for me? One must first feel safe. Safety in the relationship is essential for…

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Life Choices LLC

Where is the Noise Coming From?

Clients have said to me, There is so much noise going on in my head. I’m scared. I’m fearful of what our future holds for me and my family; with COVID, hurricanes, tornados, fires, the political unrest, riots, protests, and the…

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Life Choices LLC

Acceptance is the Answer

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation-some fact in my life unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept…

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Life Choices LLC

The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow…

“The sun will come up tomorrow, and you never know what the tide will bring ~ Castaway” Do you feel that you are experiencing a dark night? Clients tell me isolation, pandemics, and politics feel like an endless night. Perhaps…

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